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Brian Naughton | Sat 02 January 2021 | datascience | metrology datascience

Youtuber Tesla Bjorn has a great channel reviewing electric cars. Unusually, he tests the range of the cars in a consistent and rigorous way, and posts all his results to a nicely-organized Google Sheet.

One interesting thing I picked up from his channel is that the Porsche Taycan has much worse range than Tesla with its stock tires, but excellent range of 360mi/580km with smaller, more efficient tires (and better weather). One obvious question I had was, how much does tire size and temperature affect range? Since the data was all there, I decided to take a look.

This was also a good excuse to play with brms, a Bayesian multilevel modeling tool for R. I won't explain multilevel modeling here — others have done a much better job at this than I could (see various links below) — but at least in my mind, it's like regular regression, but can incorporate information on subgroups and subgroup relationships. McElreath argues it should just be the default way to do regression, since the downsides are minimal. This blogpost makes a similar case, and helpfully notes that there is evidence that you should generally "use the "maximal" random effects structure supported by the design of the experiment". I take this to mean we should not worry too much about overfitting the model.

Other resources I like include:

Bambi vs brms

Even though this exercise was an excuse to try brms, I ended up mostly using Bambi. They are very similar tools, except Bambi is built on Python/PyMC3 and brms is built on R/Stan (pybrms also exists but I could not get it to work). I am assuming Bambi was influenced by brms too.

They both follow very similar syntax to widely-used R regression tools like lme4. Using Bambi also lets me use the excellent Arviz plotting package, and I can still use the more battle-tested brms to confirm my results.

Simulating data

Simulated data is always useful for these models. It really helps get comfortable with the process generating the data, and make sure the model can produce reasonable results under ideal conditions.

My model is an attempt to find the "base efficiency" of each car. Each car has a total tested efficiency, measured in Wh/km, which you can easily calculate based on the range (km) and the battery size (Wh).

In my model, a car's measured Wh/km (Whk) is the sum of effects due to:

  • the car's base efficiency (car)
  • the weight of the car in tons (ton)
  • the ambient temperature (dgC)
  • the tire size in inches (tir)
  • the surface being wet or dry (wet)
  • the tested speed (spd — Tesla Bjorn tests every vehicle at 90km/h and 120km/h).

The simulated data below match the real data pretty well.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

num_cars = 10
mu_Whk = 100
mu_dgC = 2
mu_wet = 10
mu_tir = 4
mu_spd = 50
mu_wgt = 2
mu_ton = 50

# parameters of each car
has_Whk = np.arange(50, 150, (150-50)/num_cars)
has_ton = np.random.normal(mu_wgt, mu_wgt/5, num_cars).clip(mu_wgt/2)
per_ton = np.random.normal(mu_ton, mu_ton/5, num_cars).clip(mu_ton/5)
per_dgC = np.random.normal(mu_dgC, mu_dgC/5, num_cars).clip(mu_dgC/5) * -1
per_wet = np.random.normal(mu_wet, mu_wet/5, num_cars).clip(mu_wet/5)
per_tir = np.random.normal(mu_tir, mu_tir/5, num_cars).clip(mu_tir/5)
per_spd = np.random.normal(mu_spd, mu_spd/5, num_cars).clip(mu_spd/5)

num_samples = 100
data = []
for _ in range(num_samples):
    car = np.random.choice(num_cars)
    dgC = np.random.normal(12, 4)
    wet = int(np.random.random() > 0.75)
    tir = max(0, int(np.random.normal(18,1)) - 16)
    for spd in [0, 1]:
        Whk = (has_Whk[car] + per_ton[car] * has_ton[car] + per_tir[car] * tir +
               (per_spd[car] if spd else 0) + (per_wet[car] if wet else 0))
        data.append([f"{car:02d}", has_ton[car], dgC, wet, tir, spd, Whk, has_Whk[car]])

df_sim = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['car', 'ton', 'dgC', 'wet', 'tir', 'spd', 'Whk', 'has_Whk'])
assert len(set(df_sim.car)) == num_cars, "unlucky sample"
    car ton         dgC         wet tir spd Whk         has_Whk
0   12  2.386572    15.096731   0   2   0   229.106858  110.0
1   12  2.386572    15.096731   0   2   1   293.139807  110.0
2   10  2.083366    12.632114   0   1   0   162.626350  100.0
3   10  2.083366    12.632114   0   1   1   221.408095  100.0
4   19  1.848348    13.203525   0   2   0   256.221089  145.0

Now I can build my model. The model is pretty simple: all priors are just T distributions (a bit fatter-tailed than normal). I originally bounded some of the priors (since e.g., a car cannot use <0 Wh/km), but since I couldn't get that to work with brms, I removed the bounds to make comparisons easier. (The bounds did not materially change the results).

I have an group per car (1|car), and although I could also have groups for (1|spd) and (1|wet), I opted not to do that since it didn't change the results, but made the interpretation a little messier. I set the intercept to 0 so that the 1|car intercept can represent the base efficiency by itself.

import arviz as az
from bambi import Model, Prior

prior_car = Prior('StudentT', nu=3, mu=100, sigma=50)
prior_ton = Prior('StudentT', nu=3, mu=50, sigma=10)
prior_dgC = Prior('StudentT', nu=3, mu=-1, sigma=1)
prior_wet = Prior('StudentT', nu=3, mu=10, sigma=20)
prior_tir = Prior('StudentT', nu=3, mu=2, sigma=5)
prior_spd = Prior('StudentT', nu=3, mu=50, sigma=20)

model_sim = Model(df_sim)
print(f"{len(df_sim)} samples")
res_sim = model_sim.fit(
    'Whk ~ 0 + ton + dgC + tir + spd + wet',
    priors = {'car': prior_car, "ton": prior_ton, "dgC": prior_dgC,
              "wet": prior_wet, "tir": prior_tir, "spd": prior_spd},
    draws=1000, chains=4

The graph below shows that I can recover the base efficiency fairly well, though obviously there are limits to what can be done.

Real data

Now that this all looks good, I can try to model the real data.

import pandas as pd

def get_car(carstr):
    if carstr.lower().startswith('model'):
        carstr = 'Tesla ' + carstr
    if carstr.lower().startswith('tesla'):
        return '_'.join(carstr.split(' ')[:3]).replace('-','').lower()
        return '_'.join(carstr.split(' ')[:2]).replace('-','').lower()

# using google sheets data downloaded to tsv
df_wt = (pd.read_csv("/tmp/ev_weight.tsv", sep='\t'))
df_real = (pd.read_csv("/tmp/ev_range.tsv", sep='\t')
             .merge(df_wt, on='Car')
             .assign(tire_size=lambda df: df["Wheel front"].str.extract('\-(\d\d)'))
             .dropna(subset=['Wh/km', 'tire_size', 'weight'])
             .assign(tire_size=lambda df: df.tire_size.astype(int))
             .assign(Temp=lambda df: df.Temp.str.replace(u"\u2212",'-').astype(float))

df_clean = (
    .assign(car = lambda df: df.Car.apply(get_car))
    .assign(Whk = lambda df: df['Wh/km'])
    .assign(ton = lambda df: df.weight/1000)
    .assign(wet = lambda df: (df.Surface=="Wet").astype(int))
    .assign(dgC = lambda df: df.Temp)
    .assign(tir = lambda df: (df.tire_size-14).astype(float))
    .assign(spd = lambda df: (df.Speed==120).astype(int))
    .loc[lambda df: ~df.car.str.startswith('mitsubishi')]
    .loc[lambda df: ~df.car.str.startswith('maxus')]
    [["Whk", "car", "tir", "ton", "wet", "spd", "dgC"]]
prior_car = Prior('StudentT', nu=3, mu=100, sigma=50)
prior_ton = Prior('StudentT', nu=3, mu=50, sigma=20)
prior_dgC = Prior('StudentT', nu=3, mu=-1, sigma=2)
prior_wet = Prior('StudentT', nu=3, mu=10, sigma=20)
prior_tir = Prior('StudentT', nu=3, mu=2, sigma=5)
prior_spd = Prior('StudentT', nu=3, mu=50, sigma=30)

model_clean = Model(df_clean)
print(f"{len(df_clean)} samples")
res_clean = model_clean.fit(
    'Whk ~ 0 + ton + dgC + tir + spd + wet',
    categorical=['car', 'wet', 'spd'],
    priors = {'car': prior_car, "ton": prior_ton, "dgC": prior_dgC,
              "wet": prior_wet, "tir": prior_tir, "spd": prior_spd},
    draws=2000, chains=4

car_means = res_clean.posterior['1|car'].mean(dim=("chain", "draw"))
res_clean.posterior = res_clean.posterior.sortby(-car_means)
g = az.plot_forest(res_clean.posterior, kind='ridgeplot', var_names=['1|car'], combined=True,
                   colors='#eeeeee', hdi_prob=0.999);


There is plenty of overlap in these posteriors, but they do show that e.g., Tesla, Hyundai and Porsche seem to have good base efficiency, while Jaguar, Audi, and Volvo appear to have poor efficiency.

We can also look at the estimated range for each car at 90km/h given dry weather, 18" tires, 25C and a 100kWh battery. (Caveat: I don't know how to adjust the range for additional battery weight, so there is an unfair advantage for cars with small batteries.) Still, these results show that once battery density increases a bit, several cars may be able to hit the 400mi/644km range.

It was also interesting to discover the contributions of other factors, though the numbers below are just +/-1 standard deviation and should be taken with plenty of salt:

  • traveling at 120km/h adds 60–70 Wh/km compared to 90km/h;
  • each degree C colder adds 0.5–1.25 Wh/km;
  • each ton weight adds 20–40 Wh/km;
  • each inch of tire adds 2–6 Wh/km;
  • wet weather adds 10–20 Wh/km.

My main takeaways were that speed is extremely important (drag), tire size was less important than I had guessed based on the Porsche example, but wet weather was more important than I had guessed (maybe equivalent to carrying an extra ton??)

As always, there are things I could improve in the model, especially with more data: better chosen, bounded priors; more prior and posterior predictive checks (I had some issues here); checking for interactions (e.g., wet*dgC); perhaps some multiplicative effects (e.g., wet weather reduces efficiency by 5% instead of subtracting 10 Wh/km). I could also maybe predict optimal conditions for maximum range, though the current model would say on the surface of the sun with 0 inch tires.

I might come back to it when the database has grown a bit, but I am pretty satisfied with these results for now.

data / brms code

If anyone wants to rerun/improve upon the above, I put all the data here: ev_range.tsv, ev_weight.tsv, df_ev_range.csv, df_ev_range_clean.csv, df_ev_range_sim.csv. This could be a pretty nice dataset for teaching.

To validate (or at least reproduce) the model above, I ran the following R code. The results were virtually identical.

df_clean = read.csv("/tmp/df_ev_range_clean.csv")
priors = c(set_prior("student_t(3,100,50)", class = "b", coef = paste("car", sort(unique(df_clean$car)), sep="")),
           set_prior("student_t(3,50,20)", class = "b", coef = "ton"),
           set_prior("student_t(3,-1,2)", class = "b", coef = "dgC"),
           set_prior("student_t(3,10,20)", class = "b", coef = "wet"),
           set_prior("student_t(3,2,5)", class = "b", coef = "tir"),
           set_prior("student_t(3,50,30)", class = "b", coef = "spd")
res_clean = brm(
    Whk ~ 0 + ton + dgC + tir + car + spd + wet + (1|car),
    chains = 4,
    iter = 3000,
    cores = 4,
    control = list(adapt_delta = 0.95, max_treedepth = 20))

In the past, I have had trouble extracting high quality DNA for sequencing, so I decided I need a spectrophotometer to help figure this out — or at least to stop running poor quality samples.

In this post I'll report what I learned about spectrophotometers and what happens when I test a few water samples with one.

DNA quantitation

It seems like the terms spectrophotometer and spectrometer are essentially synonymous. Spectrophotometers are generally focused on absorption (e.g., DNA absorbing at 260nm) and spectrometers are focused on emission (e.g., stars emitting light at various wavelengths).

One of the major uses of spectrophotometers in the lab is DNA quantitation. Despite that, most regular spectrophotometers are unsuitable for this purpose. Typically, you want readings at 230nm (sugars, salts, organic solvents), 260nm (nucleic acid), 280nm (protein), and 320nm ("turbidity", air bubbles, other stuff). The most often used metrics for DNA purity are the 260/280 and 260/230 ratios. Notably, none of these wavelengths are in the visible spectrum.

There are a few ways you can measure DNA quantity in solution:

  • measure absorption at all wavelengths from ~200 to 400nm and plot a curve
  • measure absorption at the specific wavelengths listed above
  • add a dye that fluoresces upon binding nucleic acid and measure that wavelength

DIY Spectrometers

The problem doesn't sound too complicated, so you'd think there might be a way to do this cheaply. Once you can detect the appropriate wavelengths, the rest is simple.

In fact, there are several DIY spectrometer projects out there, including a nice Public Lab one. (I bought that one a few years ago and it was a fun toy.) Even though at least one of these projects describes itself as a DIY Nanodrop, I think this is a misleading name. The volume required is low, but like all of these projects, it uses a regular LED and camera, so it only measures light in the visible spectrum (~400-750nm, plus some IR and a little UV).

Visual spectrum spectrophotometers are fine for OD readings (which uses 600nm, aka yellow), but that's about it.

Another DIY option you could imagine is to use a UV lamp and bandpass filters like these from Edmunds Optical, and a simple photosensor. It's actually not even easy to get a UV lamp that emits at 230nm, and the optical filters are surprisingly expensive ($300 each), so sadly this is not an economical option.

Nanodrop vs Qubit

The most popular lab tools for DNA quantitation are the Nanodrop and the Qubit. These devices are prohibitively expensive: a Nanodrop is about $7k new and $3k+ second-hand, and a Qubit is $3k and $1k+, respectively.

The main difference between the two is that the Qubit is a fluorometer, and hence requires a nucleic-acid–binding dye. This makes the Qubit more accurate for quantitation, since other molecules absorb at 260nm, but also a bit more work. The Nanodrop has the advantages of using very little material (~1µl), and the ability to detect contaminants at other wavelengths. Either may suit, depending on whether quantitation or contamination is more important. A recent Twitter thread covered this topic; apparently every other lab calls a nanodrop a "random number generator".

*Example nanodrop output with a relatively clean sample*


I thought there might be a sweet spot device that measures only at 230/260/280/320nm. There was even a promising one on alibaba a while ago, that sadly turned out not to be real... It turned out there was a better option: I learned about the GeneQuant, the device I ended up buying, from this relevant Google Groups thread.

I bought a second-hand GeneQuant (25 years old!) on ebay for ~$150. The device I bought came with a nice 500µl cuvette (the sample holder you insert), which is nice, but an enormous volume for DNA quantitation. Unfortunately, cuvettes are expensive, I assume due to the high quality quartz required, and the lower the cuvette volume, the more they cost. I'll probably need a 10µl cuvette at some point.

Even though this GeneQuant is old, I thought it would probably work fine for my purposes, because even if it's miscalibrated, I should still be able to learn what a contaminated sample looks like.

Water Purity

At home we use a PUR filter, which is supposedly better than a Brita, at least according to The Wirecutter. I have been periodically curious if it is doing much, since our tap water is pretty good — especially towards the end of the filter's life when the filtration slows down.

This is a useful experiment because it's also a good way to check the precision and reproducibility of readings from the GeneQuant.

I took samples from the kitchen sink, bathroom sinks, PUR filter, distilled water bought at a grocery store, and nuclease-free lab-grade water.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from io import StringIO
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
df = pd.read_csv(StringIO("""name,sample,230 nm,260 nm,280 nm,320 nm
kitchen cold,     2020-05-03a, 0.011, 0.048, 0.064, 0.089
lab distilled,    2020-05-03a, 0.003, 0.005, 0.006, 0.007
PUR filtered,     2020-05-03a, 0.021, 0.008, 0.009, 0.011
kitchen cold,     2020-06-03a, 0.051, 0.041, 0.033, 0.031
kitchen cold,     2020-06-03a, 0.051, 0.041, 0.033, 0.031
PUR filtered,     2020-06-03a, 0.027, 0.014, 0.019, 0.023
PUR filtered,     2020-06-03a, 0.033, 0.016, 0.024, 0.023
kitchen hot,      2020-06-03a, 0.056, 0.047, 0.038, 0.037
kitchen hot,      2020-06-03a, 0.060, 0.051, 0.042, 0.041
lab distilled,    2020-06-03a, 0.005, 0.011, 0.014, 0.025
lab distilled,    2020-06-03a,-0.005, 0.001, 0.003, 0.015
grocery distilled,2020-06-03a,-0.016,-0.005, 0.002, 0.015
grocery distilled,2020-06-03a,-0.016,-0.005, 0.003, 0.016
grocery distilled,2020-06-03a,-0.016,-0.005, 0.003, 0.015
bathroom cold,    2020-06-03a, 0.051, 0.035, 0.032, 0.032
bathroom cold,    2020-06-03a, 0.050, 0.034, 0.031, 0.031
garage cold,      2020-06-03a, 0.088, 0.055, 0.046, 0.037
garage cold,      2020-06-03a, 0.087, 0.054, 0.046, 0.037

df_plot = (
df.groupby(['name', 'sample'])
  .drop('sample', axis=1)
f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16,8))


I didn't bother to run many replicates, but still, there are some pretty interesting results here:

  • the precision of the instrument is very high — at least when readings are taken close together — which is encouraging.
  • the distilled water from the grocery store is "cleaner" than the lab-grade water. There are confounders, like the fact that the lab-grade water is older, but it's still interesting to see the grocery store water coming back so pure.
  • The PUR is basically half-way between distilled water and tap water, so it's definitely doing something. It's unclear to me if the residual difference is stuff you want (minerals etc. that influence the taste) or just incomplete purification.
  • The various faucets in the house produce similar purity water, as does hot and cold water. I thought faucets that had not been used in many days, like the garage sink, might have some detectable residue, but if it's there, it's a minor difference at most.

Another interesting thing I recently noticed about tap water vs distilled is that when we ran a humidifier with tap water, eventually the PM2.5 in the house would climb way beyond 10µg/m3 (which is very bad). I thought this might be just aerosolized water, but it didn't happen with distilled water. I don't know which impurities were causing this issue, so it could be harmless, but we completely stopped using tap water in the humidifier after that.


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