Transcriptic E. coli Transformation
This is a basic analysis of results data I downloaded from Transcriptic. The protocol for this experiment was generated with Autodesk Wet Lab Accelerator (beta).
An E. coli strain (Zymo10B) is transformed with a luciferase- and ampR-expressing plasmid (PVIB) in a 96 well plate. Each row (A-H) is identical and each column (1-6) is different:
[A-H]1 : E. coli + PVIB + no amp broth [A-H]2 : E. coli + no PVIB + no amp broth [A-H]3 : no amp broth [A-H]4 : E. coli + PVIB + amp broth (i.e., luciferase expression) [A-H]5 : E. coli + amp broth [A-H]6 : amp broth
For rows A-F, absorbance (OD600) and luminescence (to see luciferase expression) are captured once an hour for 18 hours.
Rows G and H are transferred to two "6-flat" plates, one without amp (G), one with amp (H). For each of the two sets of 6 plates a photo is taken, then the plates are incubated for 18 hours, then another photo is taken.
# Setup cell from __future__ import print_function, division import string import numpy as np import seaborn as sns import pandas as pd import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from functools import partial from IPython.display import display, HTML, SVG def uprint(astr): print(astr + "\n" + "-"*len(astr)) def show_html(astr): return display(HTML('{}'.format(astr))) def show_svg(astr, w=1000, h=1000): SVG_HEAD = '''<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?><!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "">''' SVG_START = '''<svg width="{w:}px" height="{h:}px" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink= "">''' return display(SVG(SVG_HEAD + SVG_START.format(w=w, h=h) + astr + '</svg>')) # Plotting style, matplotlib and seaborn plt.rc("axes", titlesize=20, labelsize=15, linewidth=.25, edgecolor='#444444') sns.set_context("notebook", font_scale=1.2, rc={}) %matplotlib inline %config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'
Read in files
Absorbance and luminescence files from all plates were downloaded as csv files from Transcriptic.
import glob abs_files = sorted(glob.glob("absorbance_*.csv"), key=lambda x: (len(x), x)) lum_files = sorted(glob.glob("luminescence_*.csv"), key=lambda x: (len(x), x)) print("{} absorbance files: ".format(len(abs_files)), abs_files[::5]) print("{} luminescence files:".format(len(lum_files)), lum_files[::5])
18 absorbance files: ['absorbance_18.csv', 'absorbance_43.csv', 'absorbance_68.csv', 'absorbance_93.csv'] 18 luminescence files: ['luminescence_19.csv', 'luminescence_44.csv', 'luminescence_69.csv', 'luminescence_94.csv']
Read absorbance and luminescence data into pandas dataframes.
The time at which readings were taken is not included in the csv files (these data are in another json file), but since I know readings were taken once per hour, I can simply increment the time myself.
import datetime abs_data = [pd.read_csv(abs_file, index_col="Well") for abs_file in abs_files] lum_data = [pd.read_csv(lum_file, index_col="Well") for lum_file in lum_files] times = range(len(abs_data)) # or get the true time from the json file # Each file is for a specific time. Concatenate all the files and reset the index df_abs = pd.concat(abs_data, keys=times, names=["Time","Well"]) df_abs.reset_index(inplace=True) df_lum = pd.concat(lum_data, keys=times, names=["Time","Well"]) df_lum.reset_index(inplace=True) print(df_abs.head()) print() print(df_lum.tail())
Time Well OD 600:nanometer 0 0 A1 0.047956 1 0 A2 0.049607 2 0 A3 0.046221 3 0 A4 0.047077 4 0 A5 0.048022 Time Well Luminescence 643 17 F2 5 644 17 F3 18 645 17 F4 12 646 17 F5 5 647 17 F6 19
Plot absorbance and luminescence data for each of the 48 wells using SVG.
well_params = {"1":["E coli", "PVIB"], "2":["E coli"], "3":[], "4":["E coli","PVIB","amp"], "5":["E coli", "amp"], "6":["amp"]} def to_coords(w, h, min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y, x, y): return w*(x-min_x)/(max_x-min_x), h-h*(y-min_y)/(max_y-min_y) def plot_df(df, x_col, y_col, wh=100): w, h = wh, wh sw, sh = w*1.2, h*1.2 mx, my = w*.1, h*.1 # min, max over all plates min_x, max_x = df[x_col].min(), df[x_col].max() min_y, max_y = df[y_col].min(), df[y_col].max() wells = set(df["Well"]) num_rows = 1 + max(string.uppercase.index(well[0]) for well in wells) num_cols = max(int(well[1]) for well in wells) _to_coords = partial(to_coords, w, h, min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y) g = df.groupby("Well") ssvg = '<g transform="translate({},{})">'.format(w/2, h/2) for n, (key, _df) in enumerate(g): vals = _df[[x_col, y_col]].values cx = mx + sw * (int(key[1])-1) # well number (1-6) is the column cy = my + sh * string.uppercase.index(key[0]) # well letter (A-F) is the row ssvg += '''<circle cx="{cx:f}" cy="{cy:f}" r="{r:f}" stroke="rgba(0,0,0,.15)" fill="none" />'''.format(cx=cx, cy=cy, r=w/2) # Text labels for the plates ssvg += '''<text x="{cx:f}" y="{cy:f}" text-anchor="middle" font-size="20" fill="rgba(0,0,0,.25)">{text:} </text>'''.format(cx=cx, cy=cy, text=key) if "E coli" in well_params[key[1]]: ssvg += '''<text x="{cx:f}" y="{cy:f}" text-anchor="middle" font-size="12" fill="rgba(0,200,0,.25)">E coli </text>'''.format(cx=cx, cy=cy+12) if "PVIB" in well_params[key[1]]: ssvg += '''<text x="{cx:f}" y="{cy:f}" text-anchor="middle" font-size="12" fill="rgba(0,0,200,.25)">PVIB </text>'''.format(cx=cx, cy=cy+24) if "amp" in well_params[key[1]]: ssvg += '''<text x="{cx:f}" y="{cy:f}" text-anchor="middle" font-size="12" fill="rgba(200,0,0,.25)">amp </text>'''.format(cx=cx, cy=cy-24) # Plot the absorbance/luminescence x/y values as a line points = ' '.join(','.join(map(str, _to_coords(x,y))) for x,y in vals) ssvg += '<g transform="translate({},{})">'.format(cx-w*.5, cy-h*.5) ssvg += '''<polyline points="{points:}" style="fill:none;stroke:rgba(100,140,180,1);stroke-width:2" />'''.format(points=points) ssvg += '</g>' ssvg += '</g>' show_html("<h1>{}</h1>".format(y_col)) show_svg(ssvg, w=sw*num_cols, h=sh*num_rows)
The absorbance data shows the growth of the E. coli and generally looks good. We expect growth in columns 1 and 2 for sure, and column 4 if the transformation works.
We see growth in columns 1 and 2, as expected. In three out of six wells in column 4 we see growth (i.e., 50% transformation efficiency). In these wells the E. coli have taken up PVIB so they can resist ampicillin.
plot_df(df_abs, "Time", "OD 600:nanometer")
OD 600:nanometer
The luminescence data show the success of the PVIB plasmid transforming E. coli and expressing luciferase. We only expect luminescence in column 4, since that is the only column with PVIB and ampicillin. We detect luminescence in only one of three transformed E. coli.
plot_df(df_lum, "Time", "Luminescence")
Image Capture
Finally, we take photos of E. coli growing in plates, before and after incubation.
G plates have no amp, H plates have amp [GH]1 has E. coli and PVIB [GH]2 has E. coli and no PVIB [GH]3 has no E. coli and no PVIB
That the H plates are all empty is not surprising because we know from the experiment above that PVIB transformation is not efficient. There is something strange going on here with the Gs though, where G3 is showing growth despite having no E. coli spread, while G1 has no growth when it should.
I am currently assuming the images are reversed from what I expect, but I don't know why... The Transcriptic UI is quite explicit about which plate is which.
data = [{'n':'108', 'desc':'before incubation, no amp', 'plates':['G1,50','G2,50','G3,50','G1,100','G2,100','G3,100']}, {'n':'112', 'desc':'after incubation, no amp', 'plates':['G1,50','G2,50','G3,50','G1,100','G2,100','G3,100']}, {'n':'113', 'desc':'before incubation, with amp', 'plates':['H1,50','H2,50','H3,50','H1,100','H2,100','H3,100']}, {'n':'117', 'desc':'after incubation, with amp', 'plates':['H1,50','H2,50','H3,50','H1,100','H2,100','H3,100']} ] w, h = 512, 384 # hardcoded image size sw, sh = w*1.02, h*1.02 mx, my = 100, 190 px, py = 120, 130 ssvg = '' for n, d in enumerate(data): ssvg += '<g transform="translate({},{})">'.format(sw*(n%2), sh*(n//2)) ssvg += '''<image xlink:href="/static/Transcriptic%20E.%20coli%20transformation_files/imagePlate_{}.png" x="0" y="0" width="{}px" height="{}px" />'''.format(d['n'], w, h) ssvg += '<text x="20" y="20" fill="#dd2222" font-size="20">{}</text>'.format(d['desc']) for n2, pl in enumerate(d["plates"]): ssvg += '''<text x="{}" y="{}" fill="#2222dd" font-size="15">{}μl </text>'''.format(mx+px*(n2%3), my+py*(n2//3), pl) ssvg += '</g>' show_svg(ssvg, w=1200, h=800)
I think this experiment was moderately successful. It was not that expensive at about $20 for labor and $35 for reagents. The transformation and luciferase expression efficiency was pretty low, but I don't know what I'd expect if the experiment were performed by a skilled technician.
There were a few minor issues on the Transcriptic side:
- The PNG images get downloaded as .raw files. Initially, I thought it was a camera RAW file, which didn't work...
- The UI mixes 0-indexing and 1-indexing, which is a bit confusing. I would enforce 1-indexing.
- The plate images may be reversed compared to the UI? This could be an error on my part though.
- The "Download all" feature did not download all the data (it missed the images).
- The csv files did not include the time at which readings were taken. I'd have to dig into the json files to get that.